Después del éxito de la última edición, parece que repetimos y con un 40% de descuento si alguién se anima estos primeros meses a reservar su asiento :
También añadir que se disponen los resultados de la encuesta del 2015 para ONE, con cosas interesantes como el crecimiento notable en entornos productivos en la empresa/industria en escenarios híbridos y incluyendo hypervisores propietarios fuera del KVM como cabeza, Ceph pegando fuerte, etc.. A modo de resumen:
- OpenNebula shows its increasing maturity, with 73% of deployments in production compared to 62% reported in our previous survey.
- Growth in North America has accelerated, now representing 30% of responses, up from 20%.
- KVM provides the majority of OpenNebula support, growing from 48% to 79%.
- There is a high rate of adoption in VMware environments from 28% to 37%.
- Ubuntu grows from 36% to 40% and Debian falls from 33% to 22% as operating systems to build the cloud.
- The use of the EC2 cloud API decreases from 25% to 10%.
- The use of Ceph has grown considerably from 17% to 40%.
- The use of LVM as storage solution decreases from 22% to 12%.
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