One week after the first seminar, we attended to the second day of the EEDC Seminars, the second day was focused in Iaas and Mobile Apps.
In this second day, they should talk about Iaas, Saas and Mobile Apps, but finally the seminar about Saas was cancelled. So, the presentations were two:

Xavier Guarda and Joaquin Custodio have developed different iPhone applications, like Mountain Angel, that is a GPS tracking, heart rate monitor, and it sends a SMS to the person you want if you fall down with your bike.
He talked about Parse, it is a backend to create projects for mobile apps, it’s a very good choice to start a mobile app and easy, you can make prototypes without deploy anything on servers.


  • Infraestructure as a Service by David Suárez (Nexica)

Nexica offers Iaas and hosting services and they have two datacenters, one in Barcelona and another one in Madrid, member of Catnix and Espanix, the Catalan and Spanish Neutral Internet Exchange points. Nexica has a PUE of 1,4 in their datacenters.
David Suárez started talking about cloud categories, if you see cloud by deployment categories it can be Public, Private or Hybrid and if you see by service type it can be Iaas, Saas and Paas.

He talked about community cloud, that are services with specific requirements, restricted to a group of organizations.
David ended his seminar talking the next step in this evolution: infrastructure as code, Iac is an abstraction of infrastructure into configuration files and code. Management and automation soft is needed (puppet, chef, juju). In many cases this evolution is changing the system administrators and devops tasks.

This was the last EEDC seminars. Here you can find all the slides of the EEDC seminars.
Enjoy it!
A Cloud Admin