CSIRT-KIT.org: Cyberops stacktool

1 min de lectura
CSIRT-KIT.org: Cyberops stacktool

Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs/CERTs) are responsible for receiving and reviewing incident reports, and responding to them as appropriate.

These services are normally performed for a defined constituency such as a corporation, institution, educational or government network, region or country, or a paid client. CSIRT services generally fall into three categories - reactive (e.g vulnerability alerts, incident handling); proactive (e.g. intrusion detection, auditing and information dissemination); and security quality management (e.g. risk analysis, disaster recovery planning, and education and training).

+ Info here https://csirt-kit.org

NEXT GENERATION CSIRT-KIT : Visualize our Tutorial with all the details. (Demo included)

Download csirt-kit.org VirtualBox OVA



Credentials needed to log into the virtual machine:
User: csirt-kit
Pass: csirt-kit

+ Info here https://csirt-kit.org

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